Posts in category School
Native American Day (3rd grade)

Pioneer Day 2011
Sadly this was my last 2nd grade Pioneer Day. It is one of my favorite curriculum days, I think both of the kids agree. It is hard to believe it has been two years since Hayden’s Pioneer day! I must say it is a completely different experience with a daughter. A
My dear friend, Stefani and her husband did a fabulous job in the pioneer [...]
Native American Day

Huge Milestone for the Russell Family

“Little London”
Colorado Springs was known as “Little London” in the early days. Much of the money raised to build General Palmers railroads and the city of Colorado Springs came from English investors. In turn Colorado Springs residents became quite “British”, carrying umbrellas, celebrating English holidays, playing cricket and en [...]
Need I say more?

Lil Pumpkins
Kindergarten is kool, mom!
I have to agree little one! Gigi’s Kindergarten teacher treats her classes to a special pumpkin patch field trip each Fall. It isn’t just any ole pumpkin patch mind you. This pumpkin patch is grown with love, just for Sue’s classes.
Nestled in a quiet neighborhood in town, Farmer Don grows lots [...]
A First Grader in the House!
Pinch me!! It cannot be.
My boy a big first grader?? (sniff)
What a blessing that my first born LOVES school. He is just an amazing child and student. We are so proud of him. Cheers to a great year sweet boy, we are so proud of you!
Our Lil School Girl
Has anyone found a the secret potion to keep our children from growing up so fast? I am running out of time!! They are shooting up like little weeds!
My little peanut had a major growth spurt in the last six months. From March to August both H & G grew 1.5″. I knew it had to be a lot when the G’s pants were all suddenly 2 & [...]