One thing I enjoy about walking on the treadmill is that it is my time to catch up on my Alistair Begg Podcasts.
His sermons are all so convicting and thought provoking. I have been listening to the sermon “When Tempted” from his series on James. I have listened to it a few times and each time I tell myself I need to jot down notes from it. So now I am.
I love how he walks through the cycle of temptation — how sin is born to all of us — and then illustrates God’s grace and goodness by providing us with the tools we need to arm ourselves against it. If you are unable to hear the actual podcast, I have shared the parts that really jumped out at me.
In James 1:15
“The cycle of temptation: After the desire is conceived it gives birth to sin, sin when it is full grown gives birth to death.”
There is a danger zone we are to avoid: That zone is the place where desire and opportunity meet known as the place of disaster.
He goes on to share Sinclair Ferguson’s thoughts regarding ‘Cycle of Temptation’:
1. Attraction
2. Deception
3. Preoccupation
4. Conception
5. Subjection – to become enslaved, consumed and addicted with sin. Deceived by your sin & circumstances
6. Desperation- when sin gets to this point we feel despair based on our circumstances. Satan tells us to give up because there is no way back from here.
Christians do not be deceived by this, there is a door wide open through which we can come before Jesus as the sinner we are. Satan wants us to believe God is keeping the good stuff from us, just like he did to Adam and Eve. How did Satan appeal to them, he made them believe that there was something better than what God had given them to enjoy.
What is the antidote to the lies of the evil one?
James 1:17-18: The antidote or the way out is to enjoy the deep-seated conviction of the absolute unchanging goodness of God. “God is good all of the time” and freely gives us all things.
The evil one makes the road to death as attractive as possible.
God’s way is perfect, the way that seems good to man leads to death.
The only way we will ever know the unchanging goodness of God is to seek it out.
1. Read His work
2. Ponder his character
3. Meet with His people
4. Love his law
5. Obey His will
6. Serve his purposes
We can do no better if we are going to be victorious over the challenges of temptation than to marvel again at the wonder of His goodness in his redeeming love. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above.
Romans 10: Faith comes by hearing the word of His truth.
In Jesus we are delivered from the dominion and reign of sin. We are cleansed of it’s guilt and power. God’s Grace & Goodness not only cleanse us from our sin but enables us to deal with the power of sin.
The Westminster Confession reminds us that we are involved in a continual and irreconcilable war on three fronts against 1) the world, 2) the flesh, and 3) the devil.
None of us is immune to the temptation in us, but we do not have to be suspended by the influences of temptation. We do not have to be held in the grip of such enslavements. We cannot live in perfection but we can live in increasing victory.
1 Cor 10: Paul warns the Corinthians against thinking that they are not susceptible to temptation/sin.
Be careful that you don’t fall. God will not allow you to be tempted from more than you can bear.
God will always provide a door or an “out” from under the temptation.
Deal with temptation; immediately and ruthlessly and consistently
Each day is a series of new beginnings and fresh starts.
Thanks, Kim, for taking the time to share this. Certainly good stuff for anyone.
I love the part from 1 Cor 10 that you shared:
1 Cor 10:13 (No temptation has seized you, except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will provide you a way out from under it (from memory so forgive minor differences)) is a verse I picked in high school to memorize and keep close to my heart. What a great verse full of promises – we WILL be tempted AND we WILL be given a way out of it BY GOD who WILL NOT give us more than we can bear.
What an encouragement to know that we are covered by God’s grace and loved as His adopted children. How awesome it is to await His coming with watchfulness and joy.