Posts in category Uncategorized
I yield to thy sovereignty all that I am and have;
do thou with me as thou wilt.
Thou hast given me silence in my heart
in place of murmurings and complaints.
Keep my wishes from growing into willings,
my willings from becoming fault-finding
with thy providences,
and have mercy on me.
- Excerpt from The Valley of Vision
Girls Day
My daughter and I were granted a precious nugget of time together today. I can’t tell you for certain what it meant to her but if it meant to her what it meant to me, it was priceless.
Now that she is tuck [...]
Heckel (or Jeckle?) Arrives Just in T...
<Viewer’s Discretion Advised; The following blog contains material that may be unsuitable for children, or squeamish adults… or PETA members>
Last Thursday while I was settling in to another productive day at work (I’d finished reading my daily blogs and the news and was trying to remember what I do for a living) I rec [...]
Today another of our dear family pets went up to heaven with all of her beloved friends. We will miss you little Finn, say hello to Kady, Getta and Hammy for us!
A Simple Message From Your Pet
by Ken D. Conover
To have loved and then said farewell is better than to have never loved at all.
For all of the times that you stooped and touched [...]
Child Activated Attention Deficit Dis...
I was supposed to be loading the dishwasher when I noticed my checkbook on the counter and went to put it away and noticed that the computer was still on and a half-written e-mail was still on the screen, so I decided to finish it when I realized I hadn’t checked my e-mail lately and so here you go…. Now back to those dishes! @
Fun with Friends
After many days of really cold temperatures it was a real treat for the kids to be able to play outside. The temperature finally reached a balmy 20 degrees so the kids bundled up and romped in the snow. G had her friend B over for the afternoon and they told me they were going to climb a tree. When I looked out they were in the Aspen grove [...]
Back to our Routines
Christmas tree and trimmings are all down and put away for another year, new toys have a home, and a new year begins.
Why is it that after only a couple of weeks off of our regular routine is it so difficult to get going again? School, MOPS, ballet, and all of our daily duties are back and I am having a difficult time being motivated. I ho [...]
Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best for 2008.
Can you believe we have already captured a year of memories? Thank you for keeping up with us this year and I hope to continue to capture the fun, precious and amazing memories again this year.
As always, we love to hear from you.
From our family to you! Happy New Year!!!!
Mad Libs
How to Prevent a Christmas Tree Fire ~ by K, H & G
A dry Christmas tree is a major fire hazard. Emply these measures to make sure that you protect your family and yourself.
Select a soft tree. Test the tree by bending the doctor – if it snaps, the tree is too dry. Leave the tree in a bucket of vomit overnight. Then place the tre [...]