Posts in category Uncategorized
Strange, but True
The Napping Curse
If you are one of the lucky ones, I am sure you delight in an occasional nap. However, if you are me, you can only be envious of those who get such a luxury. When I quit my day job for my career of a lifetime, I thought I had traded in coffee breaks for peaceful naps with my children. Well, I soon realized that every UP [...]
Summer Drink of Choice
This Summer I found a very tasty drink at Starbucks that quenched my thirst on these HOT days.
It is Green Tea Lemonade, oh so yummy. I have to admit that I have become very addicted to it the last few days while I have been working really hard on the house renovations. Awwwww…so refreshing!
You gotta try it!
We Interrupt The Vacation Segment for...
Sweet Gillian Finally Lost Her First Tooth!
After much wishing, dreaming and praying, her tooth was finally ready to come out and I actually was the one to pull it out! Yay Mom!!
The sad thing is that I don’t really get a toothless beauty because her new tooth has pretty much already emerged, although not right where it should be but [...]
New Curb Appeal
It is amazing what a little hard work, hanging flowers and colorful mulch can do to spruce up your house.
This project has been on our list for years , this weekend we finally checked it off the list! Woohoo! It is amazing how it adds so much to the front of our house. The color contrast alone is huge but getting the runaway grass out of [...]
Second Edition
Framed & Dry Walled
“The Wall”
After many ideas, designs and obstacles we decided to just build a partial wall along our steps. Had we been starting from scratch and not from a “Richmond American Homes” base, we would have done things a little more custom and fancy.
I am pleased however with our new look. I am am [...]
The Reading Bug
We have definetly been hit with the reading bug at our house. This bug has bitten all of us pretty hard. We may even have to add a new line to our family budget if this bug sticks around. Luckily, we have been able to hit great book sales or even find FREE books.
I am hoping that the Summer will not send our little bug away and that it [...]
Sprucing Up Our Tired Ole House: Fir...
After nearly fourteen years in our home, 4 dogs and 2 kids later our humble homestead is in need of some serious tender-loving-care.
The terribly cheap carpet we swore we were not going to keep for long is dingy, dirty and worn out. I am so excited to get rid of this grayish mess for some rich wood tones. In order to get ride of wasted spa [...]