Happy Birthday Gigi
What a journey we have had so far precious daughter of mine. Six short years ago, you completed our family sweet girl. I am so thankful for you and I love you so much. You bring such bright energy into our lives and are so passionate about most things. Your smile and laugh can always bring a smile to my face and lift me up, I pray that th [...]
Breakfast in Bed
There is nothing sweeter than your children’s efforts when they try to pamper you and make you feel special.
This past Mother’s Day was no exception. Although my sweet family let me sleep in that morning, I could hear Hayden come in periodically to check to see if I was awake. As soon as he noticed that I was stirring he kicked [...]
Happy Mother’s Day
2 Corinthians 9:12 NIV “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”
The First Mow
One of my favorite pass times is being outdoors with my family. Whether we are working in our yard or going on a long walk it is just so meaningful to me.
Today was no exception, however it was a real gift to this mom whose husband is sick but sacrificed (yet again) for those whom he loves. Kip even went so far as to mow the grass to pret [...]
Deer Friends
I wanted to introduce you to some ‘deer friends’ of ours.
This Spring our friends have been dropping by regularly to eat all the delicacy’s growing in our backyard. Even though our friends have been known just to hop over our six foot fence, they have it a little easier right now with a section of our fence that is down. ( [...]
“Little London”
Colorado Springs was known as “Little London” in the early days. Much of the money raised to build General Palmers railroads and the city of Colorado Springs came from English investors. In turn Colorado Springs residents became quite “British”, carrying umbrellas, celebrating English holidays, playing cricket and en [...]
We Were Meant to be There
Every once in a while we have those Sunday’s where we wake up slightly late and figure there is no way that we will make it out the door on time so we stay home. This weekend we experienced that twice and both times it would have been so easy not to make it to church, but God’s Will prevailed. I am so grateful that the Holy Spir [...]
Need I say more?
I just love this picture of Gillian. I could just eat her up!!!
You really cannot even tell that we struggled to get an outfit together. The braids were the perfect touch. We just added a neckerchief to a white shirt, jeans and boots. Viola!!!
Gillian shares the love of horses with her Nana Orton and seeing her dressed like this just mel [...]