It is often funny what tunes, jingles or phrases catch the ear of a child.
Recently, Hayden was watching “Unwrapped” (one of our favorite shows) and a catchy commercial was aired for Planters Peanuts. Hayden loved it so much, he recorded it on his camera so he could download it and listen to it. You can only imagine how tickled he was when he found out that his Dad had downloaded the full-length version of this song, just for him!
It was no longer a 90 second snippet!!!
HURRAY!!!??!!! For us all….have you ever tried listening to a 90 second something, over and over and over and….well you get the picture!
Many a night since has been spent having fun singing and dancing to this tune on our Karaoke Family night! Want to go NUTS with us?
**Side effect Warning** Mr. Planter did influence our children to actually try peanuts and like them!
That is a catchy song!! And very cheery! I was hoping to hear an actual snippet of the karaoke night itself!!! Great story!!