After a few days of horrific coughing by Kimberly, it was time to try something different. So, while I was standing in front of the Cough/Cold section of the drugstore wondering which one to try this time, the pharmacist walked by and I asked, “Do anything of these things actually work?”
She pointed to one I had never heard of before. Buckley’s. I looked at it, noticed it had the same ingredient as every other cough suppressant out there, but took her at her word and bought it.
I took it home, grabbed a teaspoon and called Kim in to take her medicine.
When we opened the bottle, we immediately knew something was different. I thought it smelled like ammonia. I’m not sure what Kim thought it smelled like, but she would later say it tasted like Drano. Hayden thought it smelled like Vicks, but that is way too generous.
Knowing it was going to be bad, Kim pinched her nose and took it like a trooper.
The only problem is that she only pinched her nose for about 5 seconds (we’ve since learned that it is best to hold your nose for at least 60 seconds).
“It burns!”
She immediately started doing a weird sort of dance/shuffle/hop around the kitchen.
“It tastes like Drano!”
She put both hands on the counter, shook a little, hopped over to another side of the kitchen and repeated the same thing. She made a few weird gurgling and squeaking sounds, her eyes watered. She spoke in tongues for a few seconds.
“I’m never taking that again!”
Honestly, I got a little concerned. I wondered if we got a bad batch or a tainted batch. I mean no one would intentionally make a medicine that was so nasty it was practically unusable. So I hit the source of all information, the internet (Yeah, I know… why didn’t I do this before I fed it to my wife??).
Here’s what I found: “It Tastes Awful. And it Works.”
It’s unique combination of herbs is nasty and awful. Truly, truly horrible.
After spending about a half hour online reading about this stuff, I noticed something, though.
“Kim, ummm. You haven’t coughed since you took it.” We both laughed.
And she only coughed 1-2 times over the course of the next four hours. Then, forgetting the pain experienced earlier, she took another spoonful. This time she held her nose for a full minute.