Aside from my little girl’s charm and wit, she really is a mini-me.
She has the same sweet little temperment (ha!) as I do. She can, at the drop of a hat, show her spicy little temper.
As funny as it is to watch, we are really having to guide, teach, train her how to channel that frustration. It isn’t pretty! It is really embarrassing to see your bad traits in your children. By the grace of God alone, I feel that my spicy personality has been tamed from Habanero Hot to Mild. This gives me hope that, with much prayer and guidance, Gigi will also be able to work through the things that frustrate her without so much anguish.
It does start with the parents, though… afterall, the Bible does say that God may:
“…visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.” ~Exodus 20: 5-6.