So apparently Christmas spirit really does vanish after the 25th? At least for some people!!!
I rarely go shopping the BIG sales after the holidays because it is so crazy out. Today, I only ventured to the grocery store for a few items so I thought I was safe. But, as I was leaving the strangest thing happened to me.
I was leaving the Bon Shopping Center (in the middle of retirementville) headed back to my mother-in-laws house. I was giddy as mil watched the kids so I could make a quick trip to the store (aka ALONE, SOLO, W/O kiddos!!!) and I was listening to my Manheim Christmas CD for probably the last time, until next year. When this festive old lady in a bright green VW Bug is spastically looking left to right to cross the street. Oh, I forgot tot mention that this woman was about 100 years old with very thin bright RED hair! Her head was all I could see as she was looking from left to right. I was turning right onto the street she was leaving and she apparently needs glasses because she did not see my turn signal indicating I was turning and she was free to go straight!!! So she throws her stick arms up in the air and shakes them at me and rather than making a break for it across the street, she waits for me to pass so that she can stick her tongue out at me!!!!! I have never!!! I didn’t know whether to laugh hysterically or track her down and give her a piece of my mind!!!!! This image is stuck in my head and I seriously think I may need counseling after that!!!!!
I am praying for you, you crazy old lady in the bright green Bug!!!!!
This is hilarious!
I like the face lift to your blog