It has been about two weeks since I destroyed yet another camera, yes this IS number three! Ugh….the ONE time I do not use my wrist strap I drop it with the lens out!!! I really wanted to drop to the floor in the fit of a tantrum when it happened…BUT, I didn’t. The worst part is that Hayden (aka Camera buff extraordinaire) is ALWAYS reminding me to use my wrist strap so you can imagine the lecture I got.
Hayden and Kip have been looking around to see if there is a point and shoot camera that is bomb proof, I do not know if they have had much luck or not. I tend to think that I could manage to destroy any point and shoot camera. Ha!
I am very lost without my camera. Those close to me know, I almost always have my camera with me. Humm….it has been about two weeks since I blogged and two weeks without my camera. It is all making sense. My inspiration has been BROKEN!!!
Hey dear! I miss seeing your photos – you are so talented in photography (as well as many other areas). I know it’s been hard on you to not have your camera around. I just might have fallen into a fit on the floor if I was you – good restraint girl!!! I hope that after much searching, looking, testing and tossing around that Kip & Hays can find a nuclear bomb safe camera for you!
Love you
boo hoo. I hadn’t heard this news. I feel your pain sistah. I cannot imagine life w/o my camera – although I must say, I have been trying to NOT bring it with me lately, and just enjoying the moment – not documenting it
I have a feeling my boys enjoy it more when I’m engaging and not photographing. Silver lining my friend.
Oh H, you are such a good teacher and parent!! hehehe Hang in there, I am certain they will find you the best plastic camera that is destruction proof and semi-attractive!! Too cute Kimberly, poor you!!!