I wanted to introduce you to some ‘deer friends’ of ours.
This Spring our friends have been dropping by regularly to eat all the delicacy’s growing in our backyard. Even though our friends have been known just to hop over our six foot fence, they have it a little easier right now with a section of our fence that is down. (Weather has not been co-operating in the fence repair project)
During this visit, eight of our ‘deer friends’ were feasting on our plants. We watching all we could until the wild creatures inside our house could not take it any longer and chased their friends away. I won’t be quite so hospitable when my tulips are blooming.
um, why do these photos make me hungry ? ?
I LOVE the photos – especially of the one running in front of the shed. Just funny to see him high-tailin’ it away from Zippers, I’m sure!
Fun Fun! I’m sure the whole family has been loving this. Even the four legged members! It’s great that you’ve documented this. I love having friends on “that part of town” so we can experience the wildlife RIGHT THERE, and thankful I do not have to mourn my tulips each year.