There is nothing better in parenting than the little nuggets of wisdom, laughter or joy that your children can bring you.
I had three such nuggets today that I had to capture so I can remember for ever and ever.
Hayden has always and forever been an early riser. This kid is so awesome that typically he is showered, dressed, snacks packed and ready for school before I get out of bed. Well this morning Kip had to go in and wake our sweet boy up at 6:30. Shaken and not quite sure what this is all about Hayden wakes up and says “Are we going to first and second hour today?”
LOL Poor kid thought it was Sunday. Gotta love it!
Second nugget was from Gillian. Today was her first day of Landsharks (running club). She was so excited to join and be part of a school sport, secretly I think she is just social and wanted to be with her friends but, hey! Anyway, tonight Kip asked her if she enjoyed Landsharks and her response was “Yeah, it was fun……not really sure what it is all about but I had fun”
tee hee….kids are so stinkin’ cute. I just had to laugh. Here my poor child is excited to join something she wasn’t quite sure she was joining. If I think long and hard enough about that, it is actually a little scary.
The third and last nugget of joy for me today was when Hayden and Kip came home from their “guys night out”. I asked Hayden if they had fun at the Apple Store and his reply was, “Mom, when we walked in the store, I just felt dizzy, it was like a dream…I was in heaven!” If you know my child, you know he is a techie already and to say he loves the Apple Store is an understatement.
Kids say the best things to cheer you up, don’t they? I am blessed.
Tee Hee – Thanks for sharing – each one of those stories is PRECIOUS and funny and you are smart to capture them for future story telling.
Blessings friend
LOL!!!!!! Soooo funny! Great stories and I can so picture each scenario as if I were right there! Thank you for the awesome stories! Love you all!