Some weeks are so packed full of memories and go by so fast that it is important to take a look back and recount the blessings before they are lost.
Sunday: Great sermon from Paul Tripp, capping off a great conference.
Monday: Gillian finally has a loose tooth. We start our new reading streak. Day one of one hundred.
Tuesday: Chivalry revisited. Hayden’s Den Leader in Cub Scouts scheduled a night for these young men to sharpen their “how to treat a girl” skills. With the help of several little sisters, the boys were able to help the young girls into a car, hold a door open for them, set a table and serve the lovely young girls a dessert. This mommy was very much pleased.
Wednesday: Gillian gets glasses. She is so stinkin’ cute, I could just gobble her up.
Thursday: Family visit from our VA Russell branch, the kids adored their second cousin Stockton. I enjoy a night out with girlfriends.
Friday: Snow day, yes Spring-time in Colorado. Mom and dad come by for a visit.

Opening the door for Gillian

What we are currently reading to the kids.
Sounds like a fantastic week – certainly one to write about and remember all those memories.