The Advent season is truly my favorite time of the year. My soul is fed in so many ways this time of year. I wish we could bottle the spirit that this season holds. It is almost like walking in the gates of Disney…. magical. Magical in the sense that people are kinder and more thoughtful. Especially if you are not prone to being swept up into the commercialism that this season can also stir up.
This week’s church service was so moving. I left with such joy in my heart. The worship music was amazing, the sermon fantastic and all of the colors and decorations were filled with the warmth of the season. The second candle of Advent is called the Bethlehem candle or the candle of Hope.
This is a picture of the beautiful cross/star that was built during our service; made of ‘rags’ for us. This advent season is focused on how God left all the “Riches” of Heaven because he loved us so much and came to us in the form of a baby, to live here as a man, in “Rags”.
This year we are reading Jotham’s Journey. We read that book three years ago and are reading it again. It is fun because this year Hayden is the same age as the boy in the story.
We have some sort of activity for each day of Advent, ranging from special time for the kids to special family time/activities to doing something with and or for others.
This year we have three amazing activities scheduled where we will spread the joy of the season to others. I pray that God will open our eyes and be a blessing to all involved - the givers and the recipients. I also pray for our safety in especially two of the settings. The three spirit led activities are: Visiting a CS Senior Center, Caroling with a bunch of families in Knob Hill and our family along with another are making cookies for the Homeless Shelter here in town. This Christmas is a lot more about giving and the joy it brings when we give to others and less on what we want. I am so thankful for these opportunities that have come before us.
I would love to hear your Advent traditions.
Beautiful….. You are giving your children as well as your family the gift of Christmas… and nothing could be more beautiful – focusing on Christ and family is certainly what it’s all about. Prayers for your spirit led activities and that God will bless you all through it as well as those you are ministering to.
How neat that Hayden & Jotham are the same age – I know that’s special.
We are enjoying our first read through Tabitha’s Travels.