When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
As we get older, we are forced to get wiser to survive. <snicker>
When our lives started to be ruled by our aches, pains and health issues, I decided it was time to do some research. What I found was alarming. I started to feel silly for being so naive: naive in thinking that the products we use and the food we eat are safe. The more I dig, the more I realized I need to make some choices and healthy changes for our family.
I am sure people wonder if I have become a tree hugger or granola chick. Ha! But, really I feel that as the main shopper and cook for our family, much responsibility lies on my shoulders to be educated and aware of the things we bring into our home — and more importantly into our bodies.
In my research I have found that there are so many people also digging and concerned. Can we make a difference? Of course we can. Will it happen over night? Probably not.
Have you ever wondered why there is such a rise in non-genetic cancer rates, food allergies, obesity, behavioral and fertility issues? Perhaps you should.
The big monsters that are haunting our lives and the lives of future generations are things like:
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)
- Pesticides
- Parabens
- Chemicals
- Toxins
- Nano-particles
What is so scary about these things is that they are found in so many items. Our homes are practically killing us. Many of these things are banned outside of the US. Is it a coincidence that other countries non-genetic cancer rates are lower? Is it a coincidence that they have fewer food allergies?
Well, it is because of these monsters that I have been making some big changes. I am doing what I can, when I can. It can be overwhelming but if you take a couple of things at a time, you will make a difference.
What can you do? Read labels, avoid products with fragrances, artificial flavorings. Avoid GMO’s, High fructose corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, products with lots of ingredients – especially ones you cannot say. Try to get organic when possible. Get rid of plastics, use mason jars or even recycle glass jars from pickles, salsa, tomato sauces. Use cast iron, stainless steel or ceramic cookware, avoid non-stick pans. Make toxin free house hold cleaners. Find toxin-free beauty products.
This battle is very personal to me, I have much at stake as we all do. My husband’s health is at stake as is the health of my children and honestly….my grandchildren. What if all that we are doing keeps my children from being able to reproduce? What if these monsters rob us from the joy of grandchildren? I shudder to think.
I am not a crunchy girl, I am a mom who wants to make a difference.
Thanks for this girl – in the midst of getting me to THINK – and challenging me – you also make me laugh (you tree hugging, granola, crunchy mom!)
just kidding
You are wise & not allowing the government to dictate anymore what is best for your health or families health. You are becoming informed and wise & teaching others to do the same.
Thanks for inspiring me!!!